© Vincent Pinckaers

ISOLATING ACTIONS (working title)

For some time, the idea of doing an audiovisual work that would flow directly from the visual actions conceived within the framework of my choreographic work has been floating through my mind, occasionally coming back to me, appearing and disappearing somewhat like a cloud forming and breaking up. This idea was significantly stimulated by the different confinement periods, in which the question of the body, the monstration and the social act of (re)presentation were deeply shaken and turned upside down. This withdrawal from the world gave and continues to give an even more "vital" dimension to the need for expression and communication that underlies every creative gesture. Thereby, the project of exploring the relationship between body, action and matter came to fruition by imagining an audiovisual work made up of a series of short autonomous videos. These different videos will be partly inspired by visual and performative actions, conceived within various choreographic works, to isolate them, such as islands or grafts, to move them and (de-/re-) locate them, making them become entities in themselves, thus transforming the actions into documents.

ISOLATING ACTIONS seeks to present different performances of time, based on a phenomenological approach to the experience of presence in gesture, carried by the particularity of each material and each action. Therefore, the project will explore the relationship between sound and image, starting from different actions and materials, while probing the relationships between gesture and action, movement and memory, transmitter and receiver, actor and witness, through a precise spectrum of prehension and manipulative movements and gestures. It will play with the classical states of matter and examine the resistance of different materials, through which it will propose different ways of interacting with the physical world. 

Echoing different works and previous performances, the project will explore a dialogue between corporeal and visual work and the notions of gesture, trace and monstration.

Olga de Soto, 2020


Concept, direction and performance Olga de Soto

Image Vincent Pinckaers

Sound Pierre Gufflet, Benoit Pelé

production Niels Production
partners SPAIN arts & culture in Belgium 2021 (in progress…)

residencies Grand Studio (Brussels, BE), La Tour à Plomb (Brussels, BE)…

contact Niels Production / nielsasbl@skynet.be

We are looking for coproducers and residency partners.
Feel free to
contact us for more information.