© Pierre Grosbois


On the occasion of the Olga de Soto Constellation and at the invitation of the Mercat de les Flors, Olga de Soto and her team reactivated the foundational piece INCORPORER ce qui reste ici au dans mon cœur (To incorporate that which remains here at the in my heart) (Centre Pompidou, Paris, 2004-2009), at the Mercat de les Flors, Barcelona.

What remains in us from this piece in which we explored our physical memory over time and which we danced for the last time a dozen years ago? What movements, gestures and actions, what breath and suspension, are still present? Is it possible for us to revive and reactivate it without relying on any recordings or notes, simply on the body’s memory, without the aid of archives or documents? What is the shape, the body, of this remembering?

INCORPORER ce qui reste ici au dans mon cœur (To incorporate that which remains here at the in my heart) is a journey through a physical memory built from imprints, traces, and ellipses left over time and is unusual in having been deployed over six years. The process's duration was carefully chosen to let time truly operate and put the physical memory of its protagonists to the test. The resulting work consists of four accompanied solos, created separately year after year and progressively assembled to form a whole, growing larger with time, as a plant does. Each new chapter required the reactivation and reconstruction of former ones composing a whole made of a series of solos that are not as they appear, as they could just easily be duets, trios, or quartets. Each chapter contains the seeds of those which follow, while they are also the branches, stems, leaves and ramifications of the previous ones, being both root and leaf simultaneously.

Built from strata, from residues accumulated over time, through experience and traces, this work plays on events as well as on emotions to deepen how passing time transforms our memories and bodies in a challenging collective gesture of recollection.


Conception, direction, choreography and visual actions Olga de Soto
Developed and performed by Sylvain Prunenec, Edith Christoph, Florence Augendre and Olga de Soto
Scenography and costumes Thibault Vancraenenbroeck
Clepsydrae Anne Mortiaux
Light creation Gilles Gentner
Sound spatialisation and real-time diffusion Pierre Gufflet 
Technical direction Christophe Gualde

Premiere of the reactivation Mercat de les Flors, Barcelone (2023)

Première series of accompanied solos Centre Pompidou, Paris (2004-2009)

production Niels Production (Brussels)

coproduction Les Spectacles Vivants / Centre Pompidou (Paris), Centre Chorégraphique National de Franche-Comté (Belfort) in the frame of "accueil-studio" / Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication / DRAC Franche-Comté, Théâtre Le Granit Scène Nationale (Belfort), Charleroi danse / Centre Chorégraphique de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles (Brussels, Charleroi), Centre André Malraux Scène Nationale (Vandœuvre-lès-Nancy).

supported by Nadine (Brussels) (accompanied solo #1), Kunstencentrum Netwerk (Alost) (accompanied solo #2), Centre André Malraux Scène Nationale (Vandœuvre-lès-Nancy) (accompanied solo #3), Ministère de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles — Service de la danse et des Halles de Schaerbeek (Brussels) (accompanied solo #4)

creation research residencies Charleroi danse / Centre Chorégraphique de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles (2006-2007), Centre Chorégraphique National de Franche-Comté (Belfort) (2004, 2006 et 2009)

reactivation residencies Charleroi danse (Brussels, BE), Centre national de la danse (Pantin, FR), Mille Plateaux – CCN (La Rochelle, FR), Grand Studio (Brussels, BE)
length +/-1h35

Extract of the recording made at Les Halles de Schaerbeek, in Brussels, in October 2009.

INCORPORE ce qui reste… - teaser

11 FEB 2023, CONSTELLATION Olga de Soto, Mercat de les Flors, Barcelona (ES) - REACTIVATION PREMIÈRE
12 FEB 2023, CONSTELLATION Olga de Soto, Mercat de les Flors, Barcelona (ES) - REACTIVATION

11 MAR 2009, Centre Pompidou, Paris (FR)
12 MAR 2009, Centre Pompidou, Paris (FR)
13 MAR 2009, Centre Pompidou, Paris (FR)
20 MAR 2009, Festival La Belge Quinzaine, Centre Chorégraphique National de Franche-Comté, Belfort (FR)
21 MAR 2009, Festival La Belge Quinzaine, Centre Chorégraphique National de Franche-Comté, Belfort (FR)
30 SEP 2009, Festival Latitudes Lille Bruxelles, Les Halles, Brussels (BE)
01 OCT 2009, Festival Latitudes Lille Bruxelles, Les Halles, Brussels (BE)
02 OCT 2009, Festival Latitudes Lille Bruxelles, Les Halles, Brussels (BE)