A pure and beautiful dance that the two young women practice holding their breath (in apnea / free diving), giving to the whole a breathlessly side and an unusual intensity.

Jean-Marie Wynants, Dancers in Space, Le Soir (BE), May 6, 1998


In Strumentale, the dance becomes silence before transforming itself into chaos when the dancers blow up in a breath, retained for too long.

Ch. Caupin, Silence et chaos chez Olga de Soto, Danser (FR), January 1998


Strumentale certainly is the strongest piece. By researching the silent listening of the body, the choreography pushes the initial idea up to its limits and the dance results from the held-in breath of the dancers. The unease is invasive. Are they going to dance to death?

Joëlle Devidas, Paumes, Danse Light (FR), December 1997
